
Direct Deposit Switch

Take a load off.

Switching your direct deposits is easy. With our automated direct deposit switching, you can be sure you’re getting paid how you want, when you want, where you want.

No more waiting on employers or paper forms. We can take care of everything.

Here’s how:

  1. Access Direct Deposit Switch via online or mobile banking
  2. Search for the employer
  3. Submit the Switch

It’s simple, it’s safe, and you’re done in minutes.

With Direct Deposit Switch, you get:

  • A quick, digital process - No more filling out employers’ forms
  • An easy way to consolidate your finances - Get your deposits where you want them
  •  Closure of old accounts - Avoid inactive accounts and the fees they charge

Ask a representative for details or log in to your banking app today to give it a try!

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